16th Nov 2023 20:00 - 22:00
Eastern European Time
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2023-11-16 20:00:00 2023-11-16 22:00:00 Europe/Riga FESTIVĀLA RE RĪGA! VELTĪJUMS UKRAINAI / LEKUČI CREATIVE COLLECTIVE IZRĀDE Merķeļa Street 4, Riga, LV-1050


General admission
Free + Free handling

Sale Ended

Event Details

Valsts svētku nedēļā atceramies, cik svarīga katrai valstij un tautai ir neatkarība, un atbalstām Ukrainas tautu cīņā par valsti un brīvību. Sadarbībā ar Rīgas cirku piedāvājam fiziskā teātra apvienības “Lekuči Creative Collective” (Ukraina/Lietuva) izrādi “Tear” un dejas īsfilmu “Tell Me – Де Ти”.
Sadarbībā ar fondu “Uzņēmēji Mieram” pasākumā būs iespējams ziedot Ukrainas atbalstam.


Iestājas tumsa. Nē, vispirms salūta vietā krīt raķetes, tad iestājas tumsa, un tad – tajā tumsā – cilvēki meklē gaismu, un vienīgā vieta, kur to atrod – savās sirdīs. Asaras birst. Un dvēseli plosa nemitīgs emociju konflikts – vai manā dvēselē var sadzīvot mīlestība un karš?, jautā katrs izrādes “Asara” tēls.


Pirms izrādes būs iespēja noskatīties Marijas Koreņevas un Sandro Garibašvili laikmetīgās dejas īsfilmu “Tell Me – Де Ти” – dejas formā izteiktu skaudru stāstu par notikumiem kara plosītajā Ukrainā.
Kā mūsu ķermenis reaģē uz kara vardarbību? Kā psihe cīnās ar visaugstākajiem draudiem mūsu labklājībai un drošībai? Kādas ir sajūtas, aizejot no mājām, nezinot, vai kādreiz būs iespēja atgriezties? Šī deju īsfilma ir Ukrainas kara radīto iekšējo sajūtu seku izpēte. Četri dejotāji izdzīvo emocijas un robežstāvokļus, kādos cilvēku noved karš, izsakot tos caur deju, dzeju un vizuālu stāstījumu.

Lekuči Creative Collective ir jauna ukraiņu-lietuviešu teātra apvienība, kas radusies kara laikā un mēģina runāt par vispārcilvēciskām vērtībām, kuras apdraud vardarbība. To radījuši divi mākslinieki – dzejnieks, dejotājs un producents Sandro Garibašvili, kā arī aktrise, režisore un pedagoģe Marija Koreņeva. Abi studējuši mūsdienu klaunādes tēva Žaka Lekoka metodēs balstīto fizisko teātri. 2005. gadā Čikāgā (ASV) dibinājuši apvienību “Eleffant-Foot”, vadījuši klaunādes un bufonādes meistarklases. Marija pēc atgriešanās Ukrainā, Harkivā dibinājusi fiziskā teātra skolu, vadījusi improvizācijas teātra nodarbības un strādājusi arī kā geštaltterapeite. Sandro bijis idejas autors, producents un dalībnieks virknē skatuves iestudējumu Čikāgā, Bostonā un daudzviet Eiropā. Kopā ar Konstantīnu Zoriku uzņēmis pasaules kinofestivālos pamanīto filmu “The Hill” un ir arī viens no īsfilmas “Tell Me – Де Ти?” autoriem.
Apvienība “Lekuči Creative Collective” dažādu žanru un tehniku darbos dejas formā veido dialogu ar skatītāju.

Pasākumu atbalsta Rīgas dome.


Apmeklējot pasākumu, jūs piekrītat, ka publicitātes nolūkos:

• varat tikt fotografēts un filmēts;
• jūsu attēls var tikt izmantots TV un interneta translāciju laikā, filmās, fotogrāfijās, audiovizuālajos ierakstos u.c. masu mediju publikācijās.


During Latvia Independence celebration week, the festival RE RIGA! would like both to remind everybody, how important is independence for every nation, and to support the Ukrainian people in the struggle for their state and freedom. In collaboration with the Rīgas cirks we would like to present performance "Tear" by the physical theater group "Lekuči Creative Collective" (Ukraine/Lithuania) and and the dance film "Tell Me – Де Ти".
In collaboration with the foundation "Uzņēmēji Mieram", there will be an opportunity to donate to Ukraine at the event.


“The darkness falls. No, first the rockets fall instead of fireworks, then the darkness, then – in that darkness – people search for light, and the only place they find it – it is in their hearts. Tears fall. And the soul is torn apart by constant conflict of emotions – can love and war live in my soul in such proximity? – asks every character of the play “Tear”.”

”Before the show there will be a screening of “Tell Me – Де Ти” – a short film about the horrific events happening in the war torn Ukraine.
How does our body respond to the violence of war? How does the psyche wrestle with the ultimate threat to our wellbeing and security? How does it feel to leave home, not knowing whether you will ever return? This short dance film is an exploration of the visceral after-effects of the war in Ukraine. Four dancers delve into the difficult emotions and borderline states that the war leaves us with, expressing them through dance, poetry and visual storytelling.

The Lekuči Creative Collective, born in the midst of the ongoing war, makes attempt to speak out to human values compromised by violence. It is a collective created by two artists – poet, dancer and producer Sandro Garibashvili and actress, director and educator Maria Koreneva, together also know as “The 5th Floor Studios”.

Sandro’s background is in Lecoq based physical theater, however, his curiosity for the creative process, over the years, has taken him from street theater, to music stage and into film making. He has written, produced and acted in a myriad of original stage works in Chicago, Boston, London and over Eastern Europe, and in recent years has began creating works for the screen. He has produced the visually stunning film, "The Hill" with Konstantin Zorkin, which was selected for the Asolo Film Festival, in Venice. As well as "Tell Me – Де Ти?" a dance film based on his own experience of life during the russian invasion of Ukraine. Sandro has been a mentor and teacher on two international projects with Danish theater "C:ntact", with whom he has co-created two youth witness performances in Ukraine, based around the Donbass war and the social phenomena of corruption. Together with his partner Maria Koreneva, he leads group workshops in Neutral Mask, Collective devising, the Red Nose mask (clown), and the Bouffon.

Maria studied Lecoq based physical theater at the London School of Performing Arts. In 2005 she co-founded the Eleffant-Foot theater company with Sandro Garibashvili in Chicago, USA, which contributed four original productions to the local physical theater scene. After a short US career, she decided to return to her home town in Kharkiv, Ukraine, where she initiated a Physical Theater School and has taught Ensemble devised physical theater since 2013.
In parallel to her theatrical activity she has earned a license as a Geshtalt therapist and has become a practitioner. Maria has adapted an improvisational approach to theater creation, with an emphasis on physical presence and the uncontrived and personal stories of the actors.

Supported by Riga City Council

NB! When you attend this event, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By entering the event premises, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition or reproduction.
